Change Your Hearing.
Your Life.

Voted #1 Best Place to Buy Hearing Aids

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Change Your Hearing.
Your Life.

Voted #1 Best Place to Buy Hearing Aids


Do I have Hearing Loss?

Do I have Hearing Loss?

Take A 5 Minute Hearing Screener Online

Ringing In The Ears? There is Help

Ringing In The Ears?
There is Help

What Our Patients Say About Amazing Hearing

Meeting & Exceeding Your Expectations

Just like no two fingerprints are alike, no two people have the same hearing issues. One size does not fit all for someone who is struggling in real-world listening environments. That is why Amazing Hearing audiologists treat each patient as an individual; they have different needs for different situations. Our goal, our mission, is to help find the right solution for you. We listen, we ask questions, we work to find the right solution for you. Audiologists Ann Mundell-Noel and Gabriela Rodrigues have extensive education, talent, and desire to improve lives through hearing. More than 70 percent of our clients are patient recommended or doctor referred. We do our best so you can hear your best! Our patients trust us and have voted us #1 Best Place to Buy Hearing Aids for the past two years (OC register.) We welcome the opportunity to work with you.

ann and gabby


Google Maps Now Includes Hearing Loops

Google Maps Now Includes Hearing Loops

Having hearing loss requires us to think about how we will hear everywhere we go. This can be particularly challenging in public settings like places of worship, a meeting room, or even a service counter where hearing aids alone are often not enough.

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5 Reasons to Improve Your Hearing

At Amazing Hearing, we understand that every person has their own unique hearing and communication needs. We offer a whole range of services and products to help with those needs.

Research shows the brain cannot remember what it doesn’t hear. The brain has neuroplasticity so it can reshape its function when new input is received.

Feeling isolated and disconnected are common experiences with hearing loss. You miss the details and get tired of asking others to repeat themselves. Hearing aids provide the brain information to fill in gaps.

It takes more effort and energy to process speech when hearing loss is present. Improving your hearing gives the brain more time to process and remember the message.

Leaning forward to hear puts stress on our neck and shoulders. It’s time to sit back, relax and enjoy a conversation when you improve your hearing ability.

Hearing loss contributes to depression and cognitive decline. Having more energy, confidence and alertness are just a few of the benefits of improved hearing. Investing in your hearing health is investing in your quality of life!